For the first time in Crónicas I will write a post in English. But why is that? Is it because this guy is feeling sad about coming back? Is it because he wants to show us how well he speaks English? ...not at all. My English is still even poorer than some of you there, fellows. But this morning happened something I was looking for many years: I felt the language.
I know most of you can read English without any problem, so it’s not a limit. I will translate this article later anyway.
Why is that important to feel the language? Well, despite the effort of the human being to be as logical as he can, we are taking the wrong way if we decide to follow that direction. I’ve been studying psychology for many years. Thru philosophy first and then analyzing people behaviours. The strange thing happened when I realise about some aspects of our personality (what I’m interested specially is how it is developed) and then suddenly read some article or book and found out that I was right. It’s a great satisfaction that your conclusion was indeed verified for some expert before. It’s different to read and believe what the guy is describing in the book but read and say “yes! This is what I thought”. Of course I wasn’t right all the time. And I’m not. But anyway. One of the things I was specially interested of is about learning. Because one of the tendencies of psychology understands that human being is not an isolated bug, but a social one. So our personality is developed thru the interaction with others. In a simple way of saying this, our context carves us. And although some people will say that I’m wrong because “my brother has grown up in the same house and he is completely different”. Well, that’s not the example or a contradiction at all. Why? Because we will NEVER have the same context. It's different for each other. A context is all the information we receive, we PERCEIVE. And this second word is more accurate that receive. Why? Because we don’t receive information just and process it in a logical way. And here is the point of this article.
Although we grow up thinking that learning or education is a matter of oral communication, it is not. We learn in many different ways, and the most important is thru our feeling. Language is just a rational way to express feelings. Didn’t happen to you that you can feel many things listening some music? Love, for example, isn’t logical at all. There are invisible links among each others, these links are developed thru our relationships and teach us as well. You know, for example, when some friend is feeling bad for something although he/she didn’t tell you. As we can feel, we can perceive, and as we can perceive these are things that impact in ourselves.
We can pretend many things, but some people that know us really well will know. Doesn’t matter how big we try to smile, doesn’t matter what we say to them, our body expresses.
Another simple way to prove how important are our emotions in our learning and personal development are memories. You go 15 days to holidays with your friends, family, fiancée, whatever. You have more memories of those 15 days than the whole year. Imagine your childhood, how many memories do you have of it? When you where a teenager, when you child born, when you got married? Tell me how many memories you have of your last working week? What are more relevant? Not only happy memories or moments will stay with us, of course, bad ones as well. But let’s put the concept clear: while we usually think that our “brain” had to control our emotions, are our emotions the ones controlling our brain. It is the other way around. We are NOT machines, even a machines have electric impulses to operate...but that's another matter.
Motivation is another way to explain this. When u are motivated, you have more chances to get the knowledge. It's easy when you like the subject than when you don't. It's a feeling inside you activating and opening paths in your brain to understand everything better.
This is a very important concept specially when we are dealing with children. Children have the ability to learn much more from other ways than just logical ways. Children learn beyond our words. It’s amazing how fast they are to learn languages, for example. When I was 5 I didn’t even remember how I learned German, but now that I’m 31, and after many courses, I still struggle with English! Fab’s niece (Fab is my girlfriend here, for the people who don’t know) is 4 years old, like my niece. Her mother is Chinese. It’s is incredible that her mother speaks to her in Chinese and she answer in English with any effort. 4 years old! What does it mean? How can a 4 years old understand 2 languages if she doesn’t even know how to write properly or do simple maths?
Language, again, is a way to express our feeling, a way to communicate them to others. But feeling are much more wide and don’t fit in just a language.
The logical way of thinking put many limits in our learning. It is true that we need the rational thinking, of course we need it, and this gave us the possibility to develop many things. But just thinking about it as the key of our development as human beings is to forget the real essence of us.
Other simple examples are breath, or walk, just try to think in all the steps you need to do to walk, try to think them while you are walking, it will be a hard task.
So we need to use the logical way to associate, but as soon as we put everything in a logical ground, we will be trapped in our own rational limits.
When I said I felt the language, happened this morning that I could canalize my thoughts and feelings without thinking in Spanish. When you talk and don’t know a word in Spanish you don’t translate to something else, right? You just keep thinking in Spanish until you get an alternative if you don’t remember what you wanted to say. Well, the same here. I was always putting Spanish in the middle. This is a huge effort for the brain. Imagine that everything you listen or try to say you first think it in Spanish, translate it and say it. Huge process!
It doesn’t mean that now I speak English perfectly, not at all. Some good English speakers will find tons of mistakes in this article and my pronunciation will be still crap…but it is a big step to really get the language.
For sure this feeling will go up and down and I will be dealing many times with the logical way of speak, but at least I know that there it is and it is just a matter to try to develop it.